Spicy Mango Pickle

Makes 1 quart


3 medium green (unripe) mangoes, peeled and cut into small cubes
½ cup kosher salt
3 tablespoons turmeric
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon black mustard seeds, coarsely ground in a mortar and pestle or spice grinder
½ tablespoon fenugreek seeds, coarsely ground
½ cup cayenne pepper
1 cup canola oil


Put the mango cubes in a nonaluminum bowl, and sprinkle with the salt and half of the turmeric. Toss to coat all of the mango cubes. Spoon the mango into a clean jar, cap, and set in a sunny spot for 2 days, turning the jars up and down several times twice a day.

On the third day, empty the jar into a nonreactive colander and drain for about 30 minutes. Spread the mango out on muslin or an old kitchen towel, and let stand for 2 hours. (The turmeric will stain, so use something that you won’t mind seeing yellow.)

Combine the remaining turmeric with the fennel seeds, ground mustard seeds, ground fenugreek seeds, and cayenne in a nonreactive bowel. Add the mangoes and half of the oil. Stir to mix well.

Spoon into a dry, sterilized jar, and press down lightly to compact the mangoes. Add the remaining oil, and tightly cap the jar. Set in a sunny spot for 10 to 12 days, turning the jars up and down several times once every few days. After the twelfth day the pickle is ready for use, but it tastes better as it ages.

© Recipe Property of Suvir Saran